Sunday 18 March 2012

TVB holds farewell party for Golden Producers Lau Ka Ho & Miu Siu Ching

Credit ; Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ 

TVB holds farewell party for Golden Producers Lau Ka Ho & Miu Siu Ching

The 'Golden' producers of popular TVB dramas such as Heart of Greed and Beyond the Realm of Conscience, Miu Siu Ching and Lau Ka Ho will be leaving TVB on March 23rd and from April 2nd, they will be formally working for NOW at their drama production department. TVB Chairman Norman Leung held a special farewell party for them and the four Fadans Fala Chen, Tavia Yeung, Linda Chung and Kate Tsui, along with veteran artists Ha Yu, Michelle Yim, Susanna Kwan and Lee Heung Kam all attended. 

Ka Ho Gor and Siu Ching Jeh (they're also married), frankly expressed they are unwilling to part from TVB and praises Norman is generous: "The Chairman especially signed the invitation card for us, so we can invite the people we want to invite. So touching." Asked if they feel touched enough to return to TVB? The couple said: "We signed two years with them (NOW), we'll see what happens when the time comes! (Take TVB's artists with you?) No. If there wasn't TVB, then there won't be us. It's just we're grown now and ready to work outside. (Regret leaving?) No, there should be new attempts in life." 

As for Norman Leung, he praised that the two are outstanding producers as their series have set high rating records: "If the environment out there isn't good, TVB's gates are always opened ready for their return. (Worried they might pull artists with them?) It's guaranteed they won't." Norman stressed TVB will put in great effort to train new blood. 

Also Linda Chung appeared in shorts, showing off her long legs. She expressed she's thankful of both Ka Ho Gor and Siu Ching Jeh or tailoring several classic roles for her, such as 'Seung Joi Sum' (Heart of Greed) and 'Miss Koo' (Yes Sir, Sorry Sir). She said: "Back then, I became a Goddess to the 'House Boys' from Siu Ching Jeh's Forensic Heroes. I wholeheartedly send my blessings to them. (If they want to take you over with them, what would you do?) I still have a long contract with TVB, let my manager handle it!" As for Michelle Yim, she praised there are a lot of new talents in TVB. In her new series, The Great Eunuch, there will not be situations where the script is written on the spot due to the tide of leaving TVB. 

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